The constitution 73rd amendment act 1992 has recognised the gram sabha as a statutory unit. It is defined as a body consisting of person recognised in the electoral rolls relating to a village comprised with in the area of panchayati Raj at the village!
Can you all imagine in 2013 there is a village and Panchayat called KALAPATA ( Khalwa Block, Khandwa) where till Jan 2013 there was no Gram Sabha Happened in the history of village!
Yes it’s difficult to imagine, but this is hardcore reality of KALAPATA village and we can imagine without any gram sabha how rights/entitlement could be secured and (or) ensured?
But with Caritas India JEEVIKA development initiative we have changed the situation and first time in the history of KALAPATA Gram sabha happened on 26th Jan 2013 and further continued on 14th April 2013.
There are 23028 formal gram panchyats in India and with JEEVIKA we work with JEEVIKA we work with .29% of Gram Panchayts and that too from tribal pockets
How this all happened?
When we did baseline for the project formulation, at that time itself we have identified KALAPATA as one of the key village to intervene on Gram Sabha aspect and with the initiation of JEEVIKA development initiative in October 2013 , we have started operating JEEVIKA through field based cluster office near to the KALAPATA and other project villages-this helped in regular interaction with community and PRI members and village stay by JEEVIKA KDSS-team members has made JEEVIKA KDSSS team a hand support for community! Along with to generate awareness on gram sabah amongst the community of
KALAPATAJEEVIKA team has adopted campaign style of working and did campaign throughwal paintings, rallies , individual informal interactions and also has opened a Vilage Information Center to facilitate community and PRI members on various information related to Gram Sabha. Overall in 3 months after initiation of JEEVIKA team has worked extensively with community-PRI on day to day basis and on individual household to household basis and share the importance of Gram sabha. Along with this JEEVIKA team has also formed community collectiveness in the form of farmers club and women group in KALAPATA and through tem also channalise the process of strengthening importance of Gram Sabha and this all worked in the form of 1sst Gram Sabha meeting at Samudayik Bhavan in the history of KALAPATA on 26th Jan 2013 , with total women participation of about 35-40% of total women population of KALAPATA , where as men participation of about 30-35% of total men population. This has also shown a clear cut mark of women empowerment through JEEVIKA in Gram Sabha. The Gram Sabaha process has continued and 2nd Gram Sabha has happened on 14th April 2013.In both these gram Sabhas there were discussion on NREGA, water issues and process of continuing Gram Sabah. In total about 14 Prastav ( Proposals) has been submitted by the community and get passed by Gram Sabha. JEEVIKA team has supported PRI in maintenance of records for Gram Sabha, writing Prastav (proposals) and taking it foreword!
What we with Caritas India JEEVIKA development Initiative through KDSSS-Khandwa we have convinced community and PRI?
The Gram Sabha is expected to be an epitome of participatory and direct democracy, and is the only body, which should provide valuable inputs to gram panchayat to lead local governance effectively. At the same time, Gram sabha is also to act as a watchperson in the interest of village communities by monitoring the functioning of the gram panchayat
Is this a change?
We can’t quote this as a case study or a process of change , but its sorrow and sad for us that still in 2013 villages and panchayts are there where till now no Gram Sabha has happened , probably more empowerment is needed amongst community and more realisation of such actions at government planning and administration!
Jeevika Caritas in relation with impact on gram Sabha?
With JEEVIKA if we see in last 6 months ( including Jan 26th and april 14th gram sabha) in 67 panchayts about 122 gram sabhas been happened, which is about 93-955 increase before Caritas India JEEVIKA development Initiative intervention through its 7 valuable , professional and capable development partner organisations!
The realisation of the concept of ‘Gram Sabha’ is totally dependent on a change in the attitude of the local people, who are the members of the gram Sabha, so let us promote campaign towards conducting gram sabha in rural India!
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