Saturday, December 7, 2013

JEEVIKA project villages of Jhabua and November 2013!

In India November month is well known for its harvesting season and religious festivals. A light of hope and joy can be easily seen on community’s brighter faces. Farmers seemed busy for harvesting during this whole period. Markets seemed very crowded because of money flow in community’s pockets. Money from khariff season doubled their joy of festivals, which resulted as unexpected hike of commodity prices.

Legislative elections during the month also kept busy people in healthy political discussions. Even after election people seemed interested to talk about possible winning of their favorite candidates. Community also looked frustrated about unreasonable delay of administrative processes, due to elections.

Community started their practices to preserve food for future purpose. Preservation of food grain was on top priority. Some villagers also preserved vegetables by drying it in sunlight. Community understood the effect of climate change and trying to mitigate it by adopting such practices.

Reduction is the amount of rain, also motivated villagers to start again their MNREGA work. They looked happy after getting local job opportunities, which filled their pockets with money, once again. There was some road maintenance work has been completed during the month, roads, those shape has been completely vanished during mansoon season, came back in their actual shape.

Farmers seemed busy in farm preparation for Rabi season. Heavy rain, in past few months, has given a hopeful prospectus of good agricultural production. Agriculture department also understood the need of season and introduced new schemes. Farmers seemed busy, and were visiting agriculture department, for quality seeds and technical support.

Women plays a very important role for cultural flow, it can be easily seen throughout the month, where women were busy in various activities, from agriculture to festival preparation. Children were feeling relaxed, due to festival break, from studies.

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